Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We slept pretty well last night as we were all really tired. About 12pm the air conditioner in my room started acting up. It would beep five times then stop, wait 10 seconds then beep 5 times again. This was not conducive to sleep and after trying to reset it, I finally turned it off. It was a little warm but not too bad. The hotel is going to send an electrician to look at it today. We got up about 7am and showered and were downstairs for breakfast at 8:15am. It was a pretty good breakfast and Kasondra had nutella on some kind of chocolate bread. She is still keeping up her healthy eating habits! We left on the bus at 9:15am. I guess we were supposed to leave at 9am but I was late. I didn't know what time we were supposed to be downstairs. Oh well! We took a little tour around the town and stopped at the tomb of the unknown soldier where they have the cutest guards. Here is a picture of them. The tomb is directly behind them.

We then went to the original Olympic stadium which is made completely of marble and seats 55,000 (I think). Here is a picture of Lauren and Kasondra in front of it.
Then we were off to the acropolis. The acropolis is high up on a hill and we began our hike to the top. Oh, yeah! I didn't mention it is 107 degrees! Yes, it is VERY hot! Okay, so we walk to the front entrance and wait for our guide to buy the tickets. Side note: Last night after dinner we went to the top floor of our hotel (there is a restaurant called The Olive Garden) and looked out. We could see the acropolis. There are amazing views from this restaurant. But, of course, we aren't scheduled to eat there. Here is a picture of the acropolis from our hotel. Okay, so we get our tickets and start to hike up to the top. There are so many people here. It is worse than Disneyland (well almost). Here is a picture of all the people walking to the top. Our guide was giving us some information about the acropolis all the way up. At the top we stopped and she was telling us some more historical facts when she started feeling faint. I told you it was hot! Here is a picture of her trying to recover and a picture of Kasondra, Michelle, and Lauren with her and some other in our group before she started feeling bad.
After visiting the acropolis, we walked down to a town that I don't remember the name of (I think it was Plaka). It was a steep walk down (similar to San Francisco) and Michelle slipped only once (really Brian, I swear, she only slipped once). She didn't hurt herself and we kept walking. Here is a picture of the walk down to the town.

We went into the town and stopped at the metro where our Greece guide left us and Luchia took over. We all followed her to a restaurant she knew which was, of course, at the other end of the city. Boy can that girl walk! We finally got seated and ordered. Here is a picture of Lauren that Kasondra took while we waited for our food.
After lunch we all split up and were able to do whatever we wanted. Michelle, Lauren, Kasondra and myself decided to window shop as we headed back to the metro. We were all really tired and hoped we weren't going in the wrong direction. Somehow we managed to find the metro, pay for tickets, board the correct train and make it back to our hotel. Here is a picture of the metro. We got in trouble for taking pictures! What a strange country...they allow you to take pictures in the airport going through customs but not in the metro. Who knows!
We got back to our room about 3pm and Kasondra and I took showers (we were really yucky!) and rested. At 4:30pm, I decided to come down to Bits and Bytes (the internet place) and update the blog. Here is a picture. I am supposed to be back at the hotel 10 minutes ago to start our dance lesson. I told Kasondra if I wasn't back in time to just tell them I will find them. The dance lessons are in our hotel. After the lesson which runs from 6 -8pm, we then go to dinner at 9pm and I think we are supposed to perform. I am not looking forward to that. We won't get back until 11:30 or 12pm and then we need to be back on the bus at 8:30am packed and ready to go. We are going to the hotel by the beach tomorrow. Everyone is looking forward to going into the Aegean Sea. Well, I better go and get to dance class. Hope to blog again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You're not making me jealous of this trip. Come on, tell us how fabulous it is! I want to see a picture of you reclining by the Agean Sea with some fantastic Greek food on a table by your side, and a cute waiter flirting with your adorable daughter!
